Real estate data for 4th quarter of 2019 and the full year are now available in MarketView, the exclusive data tool for Texas REALTORS®. View market reports by board, county, city, zip code, and even some neighborhoods. You can generate custom infographics to share with clients and prospects and access data for apartments, new construction, and mortgage rates.
Access MarketViewerNew to MarketViewer? Here’s a quick start guide:
- Visit
- Log in with your password.
- Under Market Selector on the left side of the dashboard, choose your local association from the first dropdown menu.
- Choose the market type you want to view from the second dropdown menu.
- Choose the individual market from the options in the third dropdown menu.
- If you want to view data from previous months, use the Choose Month option. Uncover additional information by placing your cursor over each individual piece of data (on tablets, tap the data).
What Makes MarketViewer Data so Accurate?
MarketViewer eliminates duplicate listings that have been entered into multiple MLSs or entered multiple times in the same MLS. MarketViewer also uses advanced analytics to detect and correct input errors, such as a property listed at $1,004,500 rather than $104,500. Applying correction and de-duplication processes to the extensive data provided from MLSs across Texas produces the most accurate picture available for market conditions in your area.
I am in the DFW area. I cannot find Collin County nor the city of McKinney in the drop down lists. Why is this?
Good morning Lori. Thank you for your question and for using MarketViewer. Your question is a common one as it relates to the more than 6,500 geographies in MarketViewer and boils down to how geographies are organized in the product. Geographies in MarketViewer are organized, per data license agreement, by the county of official NAR jurisdiction of local associations. I assume you chose MetroTex in the local association selector. However, Collin County is actually part of the official jurisdiction of the Collin County Association of Realtors, so you’d need to select Collin County Association of Realtors as the local association… Read more »