To comply with NAR’s upcoming MLS rules changes, the Texas REALTORS® Legal Department and Residential Forms Task Force updated 16 forms and created 3 new ones. While the forms will not be available for use until June 24, drafts are available for review.
See drafts of the updated forms.
All MLSs must be in compliance with NAR’s rule changes by August 17. Making the forms available June 24 will allow you to use them while MLSs are transitioning their platforms. Any updated and new forms can be used with an MLS that has not changed its rules or fields.
Updated Forms
- Residential Real Estate Listing Agreement, Exclusive Right to Sell (TXR 1101)
- Residential Real Estate Listing Agreement, Exclusive Right to Lease (TXR 1102)
- Farm and Ranch Real Estate Listing Agreement, Exclusive Right to Sell (TXR 1201)
- Named Exclusions Addendum to Listing (TXR 1402)
- Exclusive Agency Addendum to Listing (TXR 1403)
- Amendment to Listing (TXR 1404)
- Seller’s Authorization to Disclose and Advertise Certain Information (updated name) (TXR 1412)
- Representation Disclosure (TXR 1417)
- Residential Buyer/Tenant Representation Agreement – Long Form (updated name) (TXR 1501)
- Amendment to Buyer/Tenant Representation Agreement (TXR 1505)
- General Information and Notice to Buyers and Sellers (TXR 1506)
- Residential Leasing and Property Management Agreement (TXR 2201)
- Independent Contractor Agreement for Sales Associate (TXR 2301)
- Compensation Agreement Between Broker and Owner (updated name) (TXR 2401)
- Compensation Agreement Between Brokers (updated name) (TXR 2402)
- Referral Agreement Between Brokers (TXR 2405)
New Forms
- Residential Buyer/Tenant Representation Agreement – Short Form (TXR 1507). A one-page version of TXR 1501, this form can be used for full or showing service only representation of a buyer or tenant in residential transactions.
- Addendum Regarding Broker Compensation (TXR 2406). This form is designed to be used as an addendum to the TREC residential contracts (except the Farm and Ranch Contract) to record payment of buyer’s broker’s fees, including from a seller.
- Amendment to Representation Agreement (temporary) (TXR 2701). This amendment can be used with listing and buyer/tenant representation agreements to allow brokers under a current representation agreement to meet the requirements of the NAR settlement—including the required disclosures and authorizations—that are required beginning August 17. This form is temporary and will be pulled down at the appropriate time.
I would love to see a “One Day Showing” Agreement , a “One Property Showing” Agreement Primarily but not limited to Open Houses with Guests that don’t have a Realtor but want to see the “Open Home”…Or Best Options …Thanks for Thoughts.
Zillow has a form they are using for just showing.
They are coming out with a 1 page Buyer rep agreement that can be used that way.
Where can we find the link for the June 18th webinar from 1-3pm that will have an overview of the forms?
Will TR have any additional classes? Would prefer to have training from the source that has created these forms.
Thanks Gina!
What you provided is the link to the registration which is already past due.
I think Chelsea wants a link to the recording, and I would love to see it as well.
Where can I register to attend the June 18vwebinar being presented from 1-3 pm regarding new forms.
Today’s Zoom conference is full. will it be posted online after?
Webinar link not working
Here’s the link to further training being offered. The video of today’s forms webinar by Texas REALTORS® Legal will be posted June 19.
After reviewing the updated “Short Form” in more detail, the Showing Services Section does not limit the services we are required to provide. Paragraph 2 APPOINTMENT: Defines our role as Broker and Buyer’s Role as Client. The form also briefly describes BROKER OBLIGATIONS: Broker must comply with minimum duties as required by law. The showing Services selection also states that paragraph 6, 7, 8 do not apply. Paragraph 8 is where Buyer agrees to Intermediary. If we have a Buyer that selects Showing Services and we show one of our own brokerage listings, could we be acting in a “dual… Read more »
Where will the replay be posted?
Where will the replay of the 18th webinar be posted?
The NAR settlement language section regarding the practice change “require that all REALTOR MLS participants working with a buyer enter into a written agreement before the buyer tours any home” is vague to me. What constitutes “working with” a buyer? If I represent the seller (or a landlord, in the case of a property for lease) , am I considered to be “working with” an unrepresented buyer who asks to see the house? Or if I have clearly stated to the buyer and presented the IABS indicating that I represent the seller, is that enough to convey that I… Read more »
There are so many discrepancies and too many questions unanswered. Who decided 6/24 would be the roll out date for the new forms? Was this court ordered? We as brokers can not train our selves, much less our agents. As of yesterday there are changes being made by TR. Not to mention TR MLS policy stills talks about compensation.
Can we push the date back to 8/17 to match the MLS required changes?
Penny Moore
El Paso, TX
Where is the 6/18 video???? The only link I see is the link to attend the 6/18 webinar???
Good morning. There are no forms listed on the New Forms page when I select it above?
Is the Residential Listing Checklist daed 1-16 a good roadmap to start for a newer agent to be sure I have all necessary documents for a New Listing?
I do not believe buyer agent commission paid by the seller is a concession but rather a cost of sale. When a builder builds home as a product they add cost as an expense to sell their product, that is true with cars or trucks or fast foods or ice cream or buying gasoline. We are unlike lawyers or doctors who do not know the results until the final process unfolds. Realtors know the price of homes going into the procedure. Appraisers are now at a lost when sales commission are considered a concession. Just my opinion.