The Texas Real Estate Commission recently released complaint counts for March 2016 to March 2017.
Among the 1,256 total allegations in that time period, the most complaints were under TREC’s “Sales-other” category, which includes violations such as general negligence, false promises, improper rebates, and earnest-money issues not related to leasing and property management.
The second TREC category with the most complaints was “Breach of fiduciary duty,” which includes making a false promise. “Licensure issues”—for example, failing to disclose criminal history—was the third-ranked TREC category with the most complaints.
Get data on the current license and complaint count totals on TREC’s website.
Third ranked “failure to disclose criminal history”. Please define…. history of agent, lease applicant, or etc?
Susan, the categories reported in this post come from TREC’s March staff report. Here’s the relevant page: For further clarification, please contact TREC.
Quite a group