Due to NAR’s adoption of MLS Statement 8.08, the Clear Cooperation Policy, the following two Texas REALTORS® forms must be revised:
- Residential Real Estate Listing Agreement Exclusive Right to Sell (TXR 1101)
- Exclusive Agency Addendum to Listing (TXR 1403)
A task force met with the Texas REALTORS® Legal Department to propose updates to add language about when a property is required to be entered into the multiple listing service under the new policy.
View the redlines and comment on the changes through Feb. 29 at corporatefilmfest.com.
Read more about the MLS Clear Cooperation Policy at nar.realtor. The policy is effective May 1, 2020.
Ref: The Exclusive Agency form —
Page # 1 says “Page 1 of 1.
Page #2 says “Page 2 of 8.”
What’s up with that??
I just noticed that as well.