Want the latest and most accurate market data available? MarketViewer—available only to members of Texas REALTORS®—is a user-friendly tool that turns you into a data expert. Here are five ways you can use MarketViewer to benefit your real estate business:
Save Time With Ready-To-Go Content
Statistics and infographics make great marketing material for your website, social posts, blogs, and emails. Easily share, screencap, or download custom reports in three languages—English, Spanish, and Vietnamese.
Be the REALTOR® With the Answers
Use real data and stats to answer your clients’ questions. The Market Snapshot Report can pull up median sales price, days on market, active listing count, price distribution, ratio to original list price, months inventory, and more.
Elevate Your Listing Presentations
Show your clients you’ve done your research. Include statistics in your presentations to make area comparisons. In MarketViewer, define the market area you want—not just by city, but by ZIP code and certain neighborhoods.
Create More Videos
Has the market shifted? Are there new trends emerging? Expand on a specific data point that will give your viewers a clearer understanding of the market.
Use the Commercial Dashboard
Easily track rents and vacancy rates over time. Get the latest information in 11 commercial sectors, including office, retail, industrial, warehouse/distribution, apartments, and more. MarketViewer also includes new construction maps and inventory information that you can download as a PDF, image, or PowerPoint.
MarketViewer is updated every month on the 15th. Visit corporatefilmfest.com/marketviewer to get started.
Doesn’t pull my area, city, county or zip code 🙁
I wish we could do Infographics on mortgage rates and other subjects in the Menu.